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I am not a provider for any health insurance plans.  However, as a licensed clinical psychologist, my services are reimbursable under many health insurance plans for out-of-network benefits.  I will provide you with statements to submit to your insurance company for out-of-network reimbursement. 



Please download each file individually from the links below: 

Confidential Background Questionnaire

Patient Demographics

Financial Agreement and Credit Card Authorization


Elizabeth A. Bowman, Ph.D.

Clinical Psychologist

185 Madison Avenue, 15 Fl

New York, New York 10016

Phone:  (917) 991-0492



                                                                                                                                                Rev. 3/25/05

Name:  _______________________________________________  Date:________________________




Telephone:   Work:________________ Email:_______________________   Cell:__________________ 


Age:_______________    Date of Birth:______________  Referred by:____________________________



Marital Status:     Single            Married            Divorced         Separated         Widow


Emergency Contact:    _________________________________________________________________





Please state briefly what brings you for treatment:



Briefly describe the history of these problems (when did they start, how have the problems changed over time):




Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness (please provide diagnoses and dates)?



Do you receive, or have you previously received mental health treatment? ____Yes  ___No (If no, skip to Medical Information section)      (If you are unsure of exact dates, please give approximate dates).

Please list current and previous psychotherapy treatments.  Please describe the reason you sought treatment and any benefit you may have experienced. 



Do you currently take psychiatric medications?  ____Yes  ___No

If yes, name of current prescribing MD: _____________________________________________

MD’s address and phone number: __________________________________________________



Please list the names and dosages of all psychiatric medications you are taking.  



Please list any other psychiatric medications you have previously taken and your response to these medications.



Have you ever been hospitalized for mental illness?  Please provide date(s) of any reason(s) for admission.



Have you ever had psychological testing for learning or emotional difficulties?  If yes, indicate (1)dates of testing, (2)reasons for testing, and (3)results of testing (if known).




Do you have any present, or past, major medical condition?  __Yes __No    If yes, briefly describe.



Are you currently taking any medication for a non-psychiatric medical condition?  If yes, please list medication(s) and dosages below. 


Please describe any history of hospitalizations for medical illness (please include dates and reasons)? 



Please describe any relevant family history of major medical illness?



Who is your primary care physician? Name:_____________________  Phone:__________________        

Address:_______________________________________________ Date of last visit:______________



What is your highest level of education (dates, degrees, school attended, the field of study)?


How have you traditionally performed academically?  Do you have any current or past school problems? (Include any history of learning disorders, behavioral problems, or special placement for learning problems.) 



Are you currently working? __Yes __No.  If yes, list your current position and length of employment.  If no, when is the last time you worked?



List any entitlements you currently receive (SSI, Food Stamps, Medicaid, Section 8 housing, etc.).



How do you typically structure your time/day (work, sleep, socializing, group activities, TV, school, etc.)?



Please list some of your hobbies and interests.



Please describe your religious beliefs or practices. 



Briefly describe your current living situation (where you live, who else lives there, neighborhood).



Please describe any past or current involvement with the legal system (lawsuits, arrests, time served). 




Are you currently in an intimate relationship(s)?  If yes, please describe level of satisfaction.  Are you aware of any problematic relationship patterns or other interpersonal issues to address in treatment?



Do you have children?  __Yes __No    If yes, please state their age, gender, and the status of your current relationships with them.



How do you identify your sexual orientation?_________________________  Briefly mention any gender or sexual identity issues you may feel important to address in treatment.



Please describe any problems you may be experiencing with sexual functioning? 



Briefly describe your current social network (friends, family, co-workers) and your level of satisfaction your current social functioning.




Please identify and briefly describe each person in the household of your family-of-origin (father, mother, stepparent, siblings, others).



Briefly describe your parents'/caretakers' occupations and education levels.



Briefly describe your parents’ marital relationship and history.



Please describe any history of mental illness in your family?



How are your current relationships with significant family members (e.g. mother, father, stepparent, etc.)?




How often do you currently drink and/or use recreational drugs?  Describe how often, how much, and approximate start dates of use.

Substance_______________  How often?_______________ How much?______________ Start date?_______

Substance_______________  How often?_______________ How much?______________ Start date?_______

Substance_______________  How often?_______________ How much?______________ Start date?_______


Do you believe alcohol or substance use has a negative impact on your current functioning (mood states, health, relationships, work, or school performance)?



Please describe any past history of problem usage?

Substance_______________  How often?_______________ How much?______________ Start date?_______

Substance_______________  How often?_______________ How much?______________ Start date?_______

Substance_______________  How often?_______________ How much?______________ Start date?_______


Please describe any history of problem alcohol/drug use in your family?



TRAUMA HISTORY (please note BRIEFLY here, to be carefully discussed in the future)

Did you experience any premature losses?



Do you have a history of traumatic illnesses, hospitalizations, injuries, or accidents?



Did you experience any verbal and/or emotional abuse?



Do you believe that you experienced neglect from others (especially adults) at any time during your life?



Do you have a history of sexual trauma?



Do you have a history of physical trauma or abuse (include experiences of harsh discipline)?



Have you ever been physically and/or sexually abusive to another person?




Do you currently have thoughts about suicide?  __Yes __No   If so, do you have a plan?  Explain.



Is there a history of suicide in your family?  __Yes __No



Do you currently have thoughts about harming others?  __Yes __No    If so, do you have a plan?



Do you engage in risky or self-injurious behaviors (cutting, dangerous sexual behaviors, other) __Yes __No



Do you ever lose control of your anger and act impulsively?  If yes please describe.   




How would you describe your mood (i.e. depressed, anxious, up and down, highly sensitivity/reactive to others)?



Have you ever had periods of time where you had too much energy?



How would you describe your self-esteem?



How often do you worry?  What kind of things do you worry about?



Do you ever have episodes of sudden, intense worry or panic?



Do you ever have repetitive, irrational, worrying thoughts that you feel you cannot control?



Do you ever feel compelled to engage in behaviors that give you relief from worry (i.e., checking, cleaning, hand washing, other rituals)?



Do you have problems with sleep?  In general, how many hours of sleep you get per night: _______



Do you ever feel suspicious that people are talking about you or want to hurt you?  Do you have a difficult time trusting people?  If yes, explain.



Do you ever hear things other people don’t hear or see things other people don’t see?  If yes, explain.



Do you ever feel unreal or disconnected from your feelings, thoughts, or body?  Do you ever enter into trance-like states?



Do you have any difficulties with memory?



Please describe any areas of concern or issues that have not been addressed?



How do you hope to benefit from psychotherapy?



Thank you for your time and attention in providing this information. 




Date:                           ___________________________________________________________


Full Name:                  ___________________________________________________________


Date of Birth:             ___________________________________________________________


Age:                             ___________________________________________________________


Telephone:                 ___________________________________________________________


Email:                         ___________________________________________________________




Full Name:                  ___________________________________________________________


Telephone:                 ___________________________________________________________


Email:                         ___________________________________________________________


Relationship to

Patient:                       ___________________________________________________________


Elizabeth Bowman, PhD

Clinical Psychologist

185 Madison Avenue, 15th Fl

New York, New York 10016

(917) 991-0492




I, ____________________, have requested treatment from Elizabeth Bowman, PhD and I have read and agree to the following policies of her private practice: 


  1. I understand that appointments must be cancelled or rescheduled with at least 48 hours notice.  Appointments that are not canceled within this timeframe will be billed to your credit card on the day of the missed appointment. 

  2. I am responsible for all payments and payments are due at the time of service.  I understand that this practice does not participate in any health insurance plans.

  3. I understand that a denied credit card/check from a financial institution is subject to fees, if applicable. 

  4. I agree to allow Dr. Bowman keep a credit card authorization on file in the event that I do not pay for fees that are outstanding and/or no-show visits.  In either event, I understand the practice reserves the right to charge my credit card for any outstanding fees. 


I, _____________________________, (print name as it appears on your card) authorize Elizabeth Bowman, PhD to charge this card for any outstanding or past due fees. 


Type of credit card:

___Visa                       ____Master Card         ____American Express


Card Number:             ____________________________________


Expiration Date:          ____________________________________


Security Code:              ____________________________________


Billing Zip:                   ____________________________________


By signing below, I agree to the financial and credit card terms outlined in this document. 



Signature:                     ___________________________________              Date:  _________

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